Memory location

美 [ˈmeməri loʊˈkeɪʃn]英 [ˈmeməri ləʊˈkeɪʃn]
  • 网络内存位置;记忆位置;内存单元
Memory locationMemory location
  1. Every main memory location is one byte long .


  2. A description of the contents of actual memory location .


  3. The source of the appended data is a memory location .


  4. More than one virtual address can refer to the same physical memory location .


  5. A number used in information storage or retrieval that is assigned to a specific memory location


  6. Memory location register an element of a database record in which one piece of information is stored .


  7. Answer : This is the shared memory location used by the splogger library .


  8. The address of a memory location at which a floating-point number can be accessed .


  9. It becomes the responsibility of the calling function to keep track of this memory location and handle it properly .


  10. The actual address that is placed on the address bus when accessing a memory location or register .


  11. The C language allows indirect access memory location by pointer without boundary check , which may cause buffer overflow .


  12. It illustrates the behaviour of some simple types of oscillator . A description of the contents of actual memory location .


  13. After you initialize a memory location , it becomes green , representing allocated and initialized memory .


  14. However , this references a different memory location than the previous one , even though they share the same name and the same code .


  15. The address bus is used by the processor to select aspecific memory location or register within a particular peripheral .


  16. In other words , the memory location pointed by newArea becomes an orphan and results in memory leak .


  17. Suppose there is a pointer memoryArea pointing to a memory location of10 bytes .


  18. The most common analysis is data dependence analysis , which is to determine the instructions that use the variable ( register or memory location ) modified by another instruction .


  19. The ASN1 variety of this function loads an ASN1-encoded digital certificate from the specified memory location into the SSL context .


  20. The third byte of this memory location further points to some other dynamically allocated memory location of 10 bytes , as shown in Figure 6 .


  21. Enabling memory location optimizations for NUMA multi-CPU systems ( - XX : + UseNUMA ) .


  22. A memory location is either an object of scalar type , or a maximal sequence of adjacent bit-fields all having non-zero width .


  23. The memory location to which newArea was pointing cannot be freed , as there is no pointer left pointing to that location .


  24. In the absence of synchronization , it is allowable ( according to the JMM ) for two threads to see different values in the same memory location .


  25. This process can occur when a memory location is requested whose page is not in memory ( no mapping is present in the memory management unit [ MMU ] ) .


  26. In the example above , the call to the func () function inside the callingFunc () function is not handling the return address of the memory location .


  27. Because it 's not possible to determine the number of bytes to be accessed from a memory location , a method is needed to find out the amount of memory addressed .


  28. This shared memory location is stored in the handle passed from the OPEN_LOG procedure to the subsequent calls to LOGGER and LOGINFO .


  29. What 's happening here is that the instruction is checking whether a memory location has an expected value ; if it does , then the new value is copied into the location .


  30. One of them contains shared memory location of the token and its logging actions , and the second structure contains the timestamp of when the DB2.OPEN_LOG was invoked .
